Non-surgical manual spinal neural decompression adjustment of the Y-axis: Can the results be quantified? A case report.

Abstract: A measurable physiological change was observed in a test subject after the manual spinal neural decompression adjustment of the y axis via the ‘Ring Dinger’ procedure. The ability to measure physiological changes would allow for a full study of the chiropractic procedure using standard research practices. A minimum of twenty-five subjects in a pilot study should be used to establish the necessary limits for established statistical analysis.

Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, spinal decompression, traction, Ring Dinger, technique

Cite: Johnson GE. Non-surgical manual spinal neural decompression adjustment of the Y-Axis: Can the results be quantified? [Case Report]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.4:Online only. URL


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