Papers from Issue 1.1; published July 2020
How am I? A discussion on self-care practices
‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And, if not now, when?’
Sources of stress include the emotional component of their work, isolation and lack of support, work and role demands including concerns regarding making errors, complaints and financial concerns.
Cite: Walker K. How am I? A discussion on self-care practices. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;002 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021002
In Memoriam: Dr Dave Russell
“I am a chiropractor, a curious clinician, in private practice with an interest in the assessment of vertebral subluxation, and how the reduction of vertebral subluxation may impact on human function and quality of life. My investigations and publication interests to date includes individual clinical case reports and series, clinical chiropractic assessment, and population studies.”
Vale Dr Dave, friend, colleague, teacher, chiropractor; a curious clinician indeed.
Cite: Thomas H, Sim P, McDonald R, Foote C. Dr Dave Russell [In Memoriam]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:003 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021003
An evidence-based narrative of the evidence-base concept
Abstract: This narrative review examines the limited and varied interpretation of what constitutes evidence in evidence based chiropractic practice. The authors report a bias towards only one of the three evidential pillars that Sackett proposed as the basis for evidence-based practice. The literature reveals an increasing number of papers that suggest evidence can be compromised and may therefore at times be of questionable value in the practical clinical setting. The application of evidence to chiropractic practice is shown to be less than inclusive and this paper recommends that bodies with influence over the profession must broaden their understanding and acceptance of the full spectrum of evidence that sits within Sackett et al’s established model. To continue with a view that the only acceptable evidence are published studies in medical journals will continue to diminish the value of evidence drawn from the experience of chiropractors and the expectation of their patients. Regulators are urged to accord the same evidential value to the literature of chiropractic as to the broad literature of medicine; to do otherwise is to create an elitist perspective to the detriment of the conventional chiropractic practitioner.
Indexing terms: evidence, EBP, EBM, chiropractic
Cite: Rome P. Waterhouse JD. An evidence-based narrative of the evidence-base concept. Asia-Pacific Chiropr J. 2020;1:004 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021004
An initial case-mix report of chiropractic practice in the Philippines
Abstract: This paper is a short, descriptive report of conventional chiropractic practice in the Philippines. The first data reported represent a Case-Mix report where the presenting problem of 100 consecutive patients are reported along with basic demographics. The second data are extracted from a representative sample of 695 patients from which a smaller sample of n=47 was extracted and reported. The Case-Mix data are from three distinctly different clinical settings (metro Manila, Mindanao Island, and Cavite) and the larger sample is drawn from a larger number of clinics through the country. The analysis shows approximation to known case-mix data from other countries and practice settings. As with all early reports the data raise more questions than they answer, however the prime intent is to inform the development os a university-based educational program in the Philippines. A baseline is now set for further reports of chiropractic practice throughout the Philippines.
Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, Philippines, Case-Mix, conventional chiropractic.
Cite: Tetrault MY. An initial case-mix report of chiropractic practice in the Philippines. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:006 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/20210...
Going pear-shaped
Whilst some chiropractors actively chose to downgrade themselves from anything that might be recognisable as a healthcare professional, even fewer seem to strive in the opposite direction for the excellence that might also help buffer them from the risks of receiving a complaint.’
Indexing Terms: chiropractic, clinical audit, patient complaint, quality
Cite: Young M. Going pear-shaped. [Editorial]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:005. DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021005
DD Palmer and the Egyptian Connection: A short report
Abstract: This paper describes the first known description of the ‘idea of subluxation’ as a small dysfunction in the spine which affected a person’s health and function. The authoritative source document is the Edwin Smith Manuscript, introduced to the world in the 1920s. This paper reports this interpretation of Egyptian medical writings dating from 1,600 BC and earlier, in which small spinal dysfunctions were noted and clinically managed.
Indexing Terms: Subluxation, Edwin Smith, chiropractic, Egyptian medical writings
Cite: Ebrall P. DD Palmer and the Egyptian Connection: A short report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:011 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021011
Telehealth and chiropractic, an oxymoron?
'Clearly it is not possible to deliver a chiropractic adjustment remotely, either by telemedicine, telehealth, or eHealth. My question therefore is, what are the services a chiropractor is justified in delivering remotely?’
Cite: Dominguez R. Telehealth and chiropractic, an oxymoron? Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:023 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021023
Indexing Terms: telehealth, chiropractic. conservative health care, conventional chiropractic
Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Research Agenda
The Foundation recognises the importance of creating a research agenda that is congruent with the traditional principles of chiropractic to further investigate the vertebral subluxation and its potential effects on human function
Cite: Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Research Agenda. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;019 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021019
Where does a chiropractor fit in the health care system? [Editorial]
The advent of SARS-coV-2 (covid-19) has challenged this judgement in the minds of some of our practitioners. In the presence of the ‘deadly corona virus’, how do we keep our act together to maintain solid patient care and service especially if what we do is defined by ‘The Adjustment’?
Cite: Ellis WB. Where does a chiropractor fit in the health care system? [Editorial]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:013 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021013
Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, COVID, COVID-19, SARS
Witch hunt down under [cri deCOUER]
According to the judge, ‘The AMA did not, during the entire period of the boycott, have reason to hold that view. It is clear that there were some therapeutic benefits of chiropractic that the AMA knew about’ She noted many medical doctors testified that chiropractic care got people well in half the time as medical care.
These medical men and journalists should be ashamed of their effort to assassinate the character of Dr Rossborough and impugn an entire profession without one shred of evidence.
If Australasian journalists have a ‘fairness doctrine’, they should be obligated to write a retraction, present the facts and give Dr Rossborough and the chiropractic profession equal time to redeem themselves. Clearly this attack on paediatric chiropractic is a witch-hunt that has nothing to do with the actual science showing the clinical effectiveness of paediatric chiropractic for colic.
Cite: Smith JC. Witch hunt down under [cri deCOUER]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:027 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021027
Updated 30 June 2020
Crowd Wisdom: Give the Journal your opinion
There are differences of opinion regarding the needs for ethics approval for Case Reports. Some journals insist they are given by an authoritative body, usually the institution of the writer
The reality is that most case reports are written by independent practitioners
Tell us and help formulate the Journal policy: do case reports need specific approval by a thirds party ethics committee?
We will report the Journal's decision, informed by your input, in October 2020
Celebrating the ICA (and why you are asked to join)
The ICA is the global association for all chiropractors
Cite: Welsh S. Celebrating the ICA (and why you are asked to join). Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:022 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021022
Introducing the Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal
'The greatest growth area for chiropractic is the Asia-Pacific region, indeed Asia encompasses nearly 60% of the world’s population. By comparison Europe’s population is nearly 10% and Northern America just under 5%. Both chiropractic practice and chiropractic education are in a state of growth in the Asia-Pacific region, a fact most appreciated by those of us privileged to live and work throughout the region.
'So, what has this journal got to do with it? Asia-Pacific chiropractors and educators deserve a voice and the purpose of this journal is to provide a voice; not just for writers in the Asia-Pacific region but for writers globally who have ideas of value to share with appreciative readers.'
Cite: Ebrall P. Introducing the Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal [Editorial]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:001 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021001