About your manuscript
How long? We have no word-count; each submission will use as many words as the author wishes. We are rather keen on long-form papers of 15,000 words or greater but we are as happy to publish papers of fewer than 2,000 words.
Images: We are full colour and expect you to submit quality images, either colour or black and white (radiographs) and to own the images so we can accept you as the owner. We do not plagiarise.
Language of the paper: The Journal is purposed to serve the world’s most populous region along with Europe and the Americas and we publish in the first language of the author however all abstracts and indexing terms must be in English.
Peer review: The Journal considers peer review as a positive feedback cycle. We maintain an alert and active panel of peer-reviewers and our mean turn-around time is less than 3 days. Any suggestions for clarification or improvement will be offered to you kindly and with respect. Your work will be peer-reviewed and the Editor’s role is to filter the most critical comment and convert it to words that may be of use to you. Authors are invited to have their work reviewed by one or two peers of their choice who can chat with you regarding improvements.
Types of papers:
The Journal’s understanding of a paper is writing that presents a coherent argument in a connected, flowing style, and is amply referenced to the relevant Chiropractic literature in the first instance, and other literature in the second.
The Journal then decides whether such a paper is to be badged as an ‘Exposition’ which is an informed summation of something that matters to Chiropractors, or as ‘Clinical Evidence’.
A further category is 'Philosophy' and this is used when the author writes in the style of a philosopher and makes referenced arguments to make a point. The paper needs to follow an accepted style used in the writing of philosophy and does not include papers based on belief.
A ‘Clinical Note’ is where an expert in their field documents a matter of clinical relevance as seen from their perspectiver as a competent practitioner in that clinical field.
The Journal has a very wide lens when it comes to Case Reports. The prime consideration here is that the case is written in the language of Chiropractic. This is immensely variable and we tend to ignore the 'CARE' approach which is fine for medical journals, and try to capture the essence of both the practitioner's and patient's experiences. We have published guidelines of a recommended format for a Case Report.
Our clear intent is to publish you, not block you.
Here are the essentials for either format (Pages or Word):
Your manuscript will not be under submission to any other publisher or journal;
You will write using a consistent font in a consistent point size. You will not get excited and think your title should be in 36 point); we actually set in Cambria regular 12pt.
You will use line spacing convenient to you, we will change it anyway.
You will not use formatting in any manner and will NOT use highlighting;
You will set out your manuscript in the manner given described in these notes;
You may use running heads and page numbers;
You will indent the first line of each paragraph using the preset indent and will not format to create your own indent;
You will not blind your work as this journal uses an open review process. We function best with cooperative interaction.
If any author becomes obnoxious their paper will be rejected.