The Asia Charter for Chiropractic

The purpose of The Asia Charter for Chiropractic is to promote reciprocal relationships that create synergy among signatory institutions, associations, and governments to bring practical, scientific, academic and cultural benefits to all in the field of chiropractic. 

Each adoptee will look towards the possibilities of: 

  • Ongoing academic exchanges enhancing Scholars to value their opportunities;
  • Externship experiences for students that will enrich the learning process and allow Learners to value highly their training;
  • Cross-national exchange evident and supported by shared intellectual property and scholarship; and
  • Developing cross-national chiropractic science in its various forms

This is an Open Source Document and the use of any or all content is permitted on the condition it is accurately cited and attributed as: The Asian Charter for Chiropractic. [section title] [paragraph title]. [Country]: [Authority/Institution]; [Version date].This document may only be altered by consensus of its adoptees.


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