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Chiropractic Paradigms

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, and contributors: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part I)

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, and contributors: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part II)

McCord KM, Schmitt WH: Quintessential Applications: A(K) Clinical Protocol. The Evolution of a Neurological & Biochemical Hierarchy

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Measure, Measure, Measure:‘Indicator testing’ and nutrients for musculoskeletal pain

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Relieving spinal stress with ‘Emotional Recall Quick Fix’

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Set Point (Touch & Tap) Technique for chronic Injury, inflammation, and pain relief

McCord KM, Schmitt WH: Acute pain & the Quintessential Applications clinical protocol

Cuthbert S: Vitamin D and Coronavirus: Not a vaccine, nonetheless nature’s humble natural cure

Cuthbert S: Dorsal Scapular Nerve Entrapments in Motor Vehicle Accidents: An Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic Case Report

Cuthbert S: Applied Kinesiology Management of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD): An Applied Kinesiology chiropractic case report

Cuthbert S: Best Practice Guidelines for Diagnosing Muscle Imbalance: Chiropractic versus Physiotherapy

Cuthbert S: The GenitoUrinary system in chiropractic: The neuroanatomy of the muscle-organ-gland correlation

Cuthbert S: A Colossal Chiropractic Footprint: Reflections on the influence of George J Goodheart Jr, DC, DIBAK, Founder of Applied Kinesiology upon Chiropractic, Medical, and Complementary and Alternative Medical thinking around the world

Cuthbert S, Stump JL, Stark B: Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Cuthbert S: Proprioception in Chiropractic: Measuring tone with Chiropractic Neuro-Physiology

Cuthbert S: Temporal Bone Cranial Dysfunctions: A resume of ‘The Trouble Maker of The Head’ with a focus on prevalent Vestibulo-Ocular Proprioceptive Syndromes in Chiropractic Practice

Cuthbert S: Chiropractic management of painful Tarsal Tunnel Syndromes: The neurological channels in the human foot and manual Muscle Testing

Cuthbert S:  Temporo-mandibular Joint Disorder: Differing professional treatment options reviewed in two case reports. A speculative Case Series

Cuthbert S: Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic: Clinical Algorithms for Comprehensive Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Scott Cuthbert: Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology methods for cervical herniated disc syndrome along with sciatica and bilateral frozen shoulder: A case report

Scott Cuthbert: Chiropractic management of cervical disc herniations: A case series

Gonstead Methods

Randal Johnson: Down the sacrum rabbit hole

Randal Johnson:   Down the sacrum rabbit hole: Part 2

More on the way

Chiropractic articles

Chiropractic History

Callender A: Reflections of a chiropractic historian

Peters R: The reason for remembering significant people: The story of Mary Ann Chance and why our profession is what it is in Australia today

Peters RE: The Founder of Chiropractic: Some notes on DD Palmer

Ebrall P: DD Palmer and the Egyptian Connection: A short report

Cuthbert S: A Colossal Chiropractic Footprint: Reflections on the influence of George J Goodheart Jr, DC, DIBAK, Founder of Applied Kinesiology upon Chiropractic, Medical, and Complementary and Alternative Medical thinking around the world

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, at al: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part I)

Smith JC: Chiselled hands: A history of manipulative therapy and Chiropractic care

Davis KY, Blum CL: A history of temporal sphenoidal (TS) diagnosis and its clinical application

Ierano J: The upper cervical Chiropractic lineage diagram project

Ebrall P: Finding the professional identity of chiropractic in Australasia that shaped education: A pragmatic narrative of the Inquiry Period from 1960 to 1979

Ebrall P: The establishment of the International College of Chiropractic (ICC) Melbourne

Ebrall P: The Emergence of Chiropractic Education in Australia

Ebrall P: RMIT University kills its Chiropractic program in Victoria

Ebrall P: Another one bites the dust: Are we witnessing the demise of our profession? [Editorial]

Ebrall P:It’s not the battles we lose that bother me, it’s the ones we don’t suit up for’ [Editorial]

Ebrall P: Survival and growth: Adversity make us do better [Editorial]

Philosophy of Chiropractic

Abrahams T: Philosophy: To be or not to be?

Weiner G: The nature of the Subluxation and the simple elegant complexity of The Adjustment: Not your Grandfather’s waterhose

Rome P, Waterhouse JD: The specific chiropractic adjustment is conducted within an articulation’s physiological range of motion: Part 4 of a series

Elbert R: Doctor, what is the intention of your adjustment? A Clinical Huddle

Blum C: Channeling healing energy: The power of touch in the chiropractic clinical encounter, Part three

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: The Vertebral Subluxation premise: Part 1: The medical literature regarding nomenclature

Policy Committee. Australian Chiropractors Association: Policy on Chiropractic Practice, Scope & Terminology

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: The Vertebral Subluxation premise: Principle 1 continued, The medical literature regarding nomenclature and onset

Ebrall P: Subluxation as a fuzzy narrative

Blum C: Yesterday when I was young [Reflection]

McDowall C-A: Evidence that may support the claim that spinal manipulative therapy can affect the patient beyond muscle and joint pain: A systematic narrative review

Seiler E: DD Palmer’s theistic spin on biology and the modern effort to hide it

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: Medicine has failed to grasp the principles explaining chiropractic’s international success [Editorial]

McLuckie A: Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best and bracing for impact: A narrative on parallels between chiropractic education and the WCCS pandemic response

Ebrall P: A philosophy for chiropractic education in the 21st Century: A contextual prelude

Richards DM: The meaning and value of vitalism in chiropractic [Thesis]

Fox M, et al: Vitalism in a New Zealand chiropractic program

Ebrall P: Absolving Chiropractic’s indeterminacy through interdependence

This issue's challenge ...

What did DD mean when he stated that Chiropractic is founded on tone?


Vyas et al report 'daily multivitamin mineral (MVM) supplementation leads to a significantly more favourable 2-y change in episodic memory'. Their meta-analysis indicates that daily MVM significantly benefits 'both global cognition and episodic memory'. These findings support the benefits of a daily MVM in preventing cognitive decline among older adults


  • Vyas CM, Manson JE, Sesso HD, Cook NR, Rist PM, Weinberg A, Moorthy MV, Baker LD, Espeland MA, Yeung LK, Brickman AM, Okereke OI. Effect of multivitamin-mineral supplementation versus placebo on cognitive function: results from the clinic subcohort of the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) randomized clinical trial and meta-analysis of 3 cognitive studies within COSMOS. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Mar;119(3):692-701. DOI 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.12.011. Get the full paper, free, at https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/pmid/38244989/

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