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Phillip Ebrall, BAppSc(Chiropr), GC(Tert Learn Teach), MPhotog, PhD, FICCS, FACCS

Adolescent Health Care:

Chiropractic's Investment in the Future

ABSTRACT: Victorian clinics do not differ from those which could be expected. Chiropractors can therefore be considered well placed to improve the community's provision of preventive and curative health care to adolescents. Three proposals are made: first, that the time is right for a post graduate certification program in adolescent health care to be introduced for chiro-practors, second, that the age range of adolescence be extended to include 10 to 24 years, and third, that it is appropriate for Victorian chiropractors to be utilised as a part of any future implementation by government of health care strategies designed for adolescents.

INDEX TERMS: adolescence; adolescent medicine; chiropractic.

CITE: Ebrall PS. Adolescent health care: chiropractic’s investment in the future. Chiropr J Aust 1991; 21:13-19.


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