Third Quarter 2022 (July to September) Issue 3.1
Presenting evidence-based chiropractic clinical science

The Journal has been asked if it would consider for publication any paper from a Russian author. Our unequivocal response is YES, as chiropractic and science are both above politics. We equally welcome submissions from Ukrainian chiropractors.
As tragic as the war may be it is important for us to maintain a publication that is apolitical in all senses of the term.
Further, it is the policy of the Journal to publish in the first language of the author. Readers have seen this with our papers from Japan and Germany, and in this issue we publish for our first time in Spanish and in Chinese, as well as German.
On this page we have a video for the Japanese Association of Chiropractors, in Japanese and Dr Chu's UNICEF Breast Feeding video in Chinese. Chiropractic is truly a global and multi-lingual profession.
The Journal is delighted to be global in our ability to contribute to the advancement of chiropractic.
Fabulous - for you

Use your phone, not your calculator ...
The Journal is specifically designed for mobile readers and we look super-slick on phones and tablets. Please give it a go and let us know if you have any glitches.

Starting this issue, the Journal will report the presentations from various meetings held globally. Our first is the 2022 SOT Research Conference held 29 April 2022. Tap or click the image to go to the specific Conference page.
We will present each abstract with the dignity it deserves, and index it accordingly so that it appears in
If you are the convenor of a meeting, please let us index it properly for you. All you need to do is contact the Journal
Congratulations Dr Eric Chu
Enterprise sharing: The healthcare industry is committed to providing breast milk-friendly environment for lactating mothers【企業分享:醫療保健行業致力為授乳媽媽提供母乳友善環境】
醫療保健行業是 #SayYesToBreastfeeding運動 的重要參與者之一,能為母乳餵哺的推廣作出非常大的貢獻。醫療機構除了在婦女懷孕期間、產前、分娩後以及產後為媽媽及寶寶提供醫學支援外,若能在設施上提供方便,實施各項母乳友善措施,更可以進一步照顧候診期間的授乳媽媽,讓她們可以安心餵哺母乳,為寶寶提供最好的營養。
The Journal is delighted to work with Dr Todd Waters, a highly regarded chiropractic historian. Together we will bring you in each issue a short video as 'Living History' from Dr Waters' collection.
We start in this issue with this informative interview with Dr Chester Wilk. You can get a greater sense of how the matters of which he speaks have allowed you to practice as you do today. Read more about the Iowa Plan here
For more videos by Dr Waters, click here
Must read: Howard Wolinsky's Obituary for Chester Wilk
Howard is the man who wrote the book. In his own words: 'It’s unusual for a reporter to cover a story for his whole career. But I did regarding the Wilk case. I had a front seat to chiropractic history as I covered the case from gavel to gavel.
I first met Chester Wilk, DC, and his attorney George McAndrews, JD, in December 1980 when I was a reporter for American Medical News—the AMA’s weekly newspaper. This was at the famed Wilk et al v. American Medical Association trial.
I’m sure they didn’t know what to make of me. But I was an honest reporter. So honest that my AMA bosses called me on the carpet for not telling “our side.” I reported what I saw in the courtroom for nearly two months.
McAndrews and Wilk kept interested parties appraised of what was happening in the federal court in Chicago with my news clippings. I left the AMA for the Chicago Sun-Times in March 1981 and followed the Wilk suit as it finished at the Supreme Court.
Wilk and McAndrews both helped me when I wrote “The Serpent on the Staff: The Unhealthy Politics of the AMA.” (1994, Putnam). And again, when Lou Sportelli, DC, published my new book on the Wilk case, “Contain and Eliminate: The AMA’s Conspiracy to Destroy Chiropractic.” (2021, Sportelli)
NOT 'Women in chiropractic'
The Journal notes that today some associations are promoting additional activities specifically for 'women' which the Journal supports. However we could not help but to hark back 66 years ... it would be a very brave decision to try this stunt today! (With thanks to Peter Rome for the image and story)

This took place in Chicago during a 1956 chiropractors convention. They decided to throw a beauty contest. And what a contest it was.
"All three were picked not only by their apparent beauty, and their X-rays, but also by their standing posture," reported the Tribune back in the day. "Each girl stood on a pair of scales — one foot to each — and the winning trio each registered exactly half her weight on each scale, confirming the correct standing posture."
In the end, a posture queen was crowned! Once there was a time when gender was not a self-proclamation nor an alphabet soup. Still, this stunt certainly got across the chiropractic 'message'. (Ed)
Job-Herrman: Wir werden was wir denken: Ein Fallbericht / We become what we think: A Case Report
Vitez C, Blum CL: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) in a patient as a consequence of a concussion along with occipital headaches, dizziness and nausea
Cuthbert: Applied Kinesiology Management of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD): A Case Report