Conservative chiropractic management of 13-month old patient with facial palsy: A case report

Abstract: This is a single case report of a 13-month old child with the complex condition of facial palsy. A 6-week period of chiropractic management was accompanied by significant improvements in the child’s face and head as well as improvements in function and the ability to sleep through the whole night

This case provides some supporting evidence that chiropractic care may have a positive effect on resolving facial palsy in infant patients. 

Indexing Terms: Congenital facial palsy, chiropractic, sacro-occipital technique.

Cite: Tovar A, Blum C. Conservative chiropractic management of 13-month old patient with facial palsy [Case Report]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.3:Online only. URL


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