SOT Chiropractic Care of a 6yo boy diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and related conditions: A case report.

Abstract: Introduction: The field of chiropractic may play a part in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders [4] and sacro occipital technique (SOT) and cranial techniques have been found to be of promise for improving symptoms and function. 

Case History: A six-year-old male patient was brought to this office for SOT and cranial chiropractic care at this office. Initial complaints included: Asperger’s Syndrome (3-year duration) that resulted in uncontrollable “rocking, jumping and flapping” of his hands, asthma triggered by exertion, and severe seasonal allergies.

Methods – Treatment/Intervention: Specific SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique) spinal and cranial evaluation revealed subluxation patterns and a treatment program was implemented to address these patterns using SOT protocols and procedures. 

Results: The patient and family reported that the Asperger’s Syndrome symptoms “settled down within the first week of care,” he was seen once a week for 5-months, reduced to a wellness treatment schedule which for him was 1-2 times per month. At 8-year follow-up, his condition has remained stable.

Conclusion: With the risk benefit ratios associated with the reduced risk of chiropractic care with increased risk of the typical medications used for this condition, a trial of chiropractic care for children or adults with this condition may yield important information.

Indexing Terms: Asperger’s Syndrome, chiropractic, SOT.

Cite: Rosen M, Blum C. SOT Chiropractic Care of a 6yo boy diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and related conditions [Case Report]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.3:Online only. URL


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