Differentiating chiropractic articular adjustments from manipulation: Part 2 of a series.
Abstract: Without greater differentiation, the authors contend that it is misleading to consider that all forms of manual therapy should be categorised under the one single term of manipulation. This paper seeks to clarify differences in the forms of manipulation, in particular, the intricacy, erudition and complex considerations of the vertebral adjustment. The extent of concentrated undergraduate training and depth of physiological recognition of the adjustment is portrayed in order to acknowledge that adjustments are more complex by involving integrated elements of somatosensory and somato-autonomic implications rather than just physical- mechanical procedures.
Indexing terms: Articular adjustment, Vertebral adjustment, Manipulation, Spinal manipulation, Technique.
Cite: Rome P. Waterhouse JD. Differentiating chiropractic articular adjustments from manipulation: Part 2 of a series. Asia-Pacific Chiropr J. 2021;1.3. URL www.apcj.net/rome-and-waterhouse-differentiating-the-adjustment/