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Papers from the
2019 Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference

Chiropractic care of a professional ice hockey player suffering from multiple concussions: A case report

Narrative: A professional ice hockey player suffering multiple concussions and having limited function in his ability to return to play his sport for nine months due to cognitive issues, headaches, and reduced pO2 values when physically stressed.

Chiropractic care with cranial interventions along with dental/chiropractic co-management of his TMJ dysfunction with a dental appliance appeared to create a significant change, and he returned to the ice within four weeks of care.

Indexing terms: Chiropractic; sacro-occipital technique; SOT; concussion

Cite: Bloink TE, Blum CL. Chiropractic care of a professional ice hockey player suffering from multiple concussions: A case report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2024;5.2

Thomas Bloink DC specialises in cranial-dental integration in Silicon Valley at the California Cranial Institute, which was founded in 1992. Dr. Bloink was on the board of advisors to help create SOTO-USA and is actively presenting at research conferences throughout the world, and developing novel treatment approaches for functional neurological conditions. He works closely with many different specialists including dentists, orthodontists, and oral-maxilla surgeons. ENT's and others to ensure the best possible outcome for his patients.

Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation with Chiropractic Manipulation and Sacro Occipital Technique’s Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT): A case report

Narrative: Chiropractors do not presume a chiropractic manipulation will ‘cure’ any visceral presentation such as AF. However there may be a subset of patients with AF that may be responsive to chiropractic interventions.

This paper reports one such patient, and raises questions regarding minimalist, conventional chiropractic intervention and may represent a type pf patient worthy of further study.

Indexing terms: Chiropractic; sacro-occipital technique; AF, CMRT.

Cite: Boro WJ. Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation with Chiropractic Manipulation and Sacro Occipital Technique’s Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT): A case report.  Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2024;5.2

William J Boro DC has been in private practice in Annapolis, Maryland for over 30 years. Dr. Boro uses sacro occipital technique, applied kinesiology, and Van Rumpt technique, in addition to using other standard methods of diagnosis, for the evaluation of structural, chemical and mental aspects of health. He is intent on increasing other doctor's knowledge and understanding of how chiropractic is beneficial in cases other than strictly musculoskeletal problems. He has taught and presented papers nationally and internationally and looks forward to presenting more case studies in the future.

SOT cranial therapy for the treatment of paediatric torticollis: A chiropractic case report

Narrative: Torticollis is considered to be the third-most common orthopaedic diagnosis in childhood. Untreated torticollis may have an affect on a child’s motor development, possibly related to delays in crawling, rolling over, and standing skills.

This four-month-old female presented with torticollis, epigastric discomfort, difficulty latching, digestive issues, and blood in her stools. Her condition was not improving with home positional modification or parental massage, yet responded at the first office visit to chiropractic SOT, cranial, and CMRT interventions with improved cervical range of motion and reduced static tilt of the head.

Indexing terms: Chiropractic; sacro-occipital technique; SOT; torticollis.

Cite: Hamel R, Blum CL. SOT cranial therapy for the treatment of paediatric torticollis: A chiropractic case report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2024;5.2

Dr Rachel Hamel has completed advanced training in Applied Kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital technique, SOT Cranial Technique, Craniobiotic Technique, IASTM, Rocktape, Webster Technique, Neuro Emotional Technique; and is working towards her ACN in nutrition, as well as certification in Cranial-Dental diplomat. She is a member of ACA, SOTO-USA, BABI (Bay Area Birth Information) and ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). She received her Bachelor’s with honors in Health Science from Whitworth University in Washington State, and her doctorate degree where she was valedictorian from Palmer West Chiropractic College.

Hypertensive 80 year-old male treated with cranial therapy: a case report

Narrative: A long-time patient presented with a new complaint of high blood pressure, which was unusual for him. It had started a couple of weeks prior to his appointment and had remained consistently high. He had no change in lifestyle or potential life stressors, and it was seemingly insidious in onset. At the time of his appointment he was 80-years-old and had been monitoring his blood pressure regularly using a wrist device. At the time of his appointment, using the same wrist device, his blood pressure was 167/93.

The patient was treated with a cranial technique for high blood pressure following which and using the same wrist device, it was 117/74. The following day the patient communicated to the office that his blood pressure had remained improved and stable, and had only slightly increased to 126/78.

Indexing terms: Chiropractic; sacro-occipital technique; SOT; hypertension.

Cite: Scoppa J. Hypertensive 80 year-old male treated with cranial therapy: A case report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2024;5.2

Dr Jason Scoppa practices at his clinic, Northwest Structural Medicine, located in Bellevue, WA, as well as in Lynwood, WA at Balance Epigenetic Orthodontics as part of a Cranial-Dental comanagement team. He is a certified SOT Craniopath (CSCP), certified chiropractic sports practitioner (CCSP), and has a TMD and cranially focused practice.


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