Conference Abstracts
Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal
Conference presentations are the early-warning system of chiropractic science. Nearly always representing new ideas, clinical outcomes, or research findings, abstracts inform us of 'thought-development' throughout the profession.
Far too often, especially with posters, abstracts have a very short half life, perhaps a couple of days during a meeting. After this the 'thought presented' becomes a line in the presenter's cv.
The Journal will now collect abstracts from meetings around the globe and publish them here to give them a life that is indexed and lasts beyond its presentation.
Your conference organiser must submit on your behalf to ensure validation. Please note that presentation of your work at a meeting does not preclude it from being documented and indexed on these pages.
Contemporary publication ethics allows the author to retain their intellectual property (it should never be signed over to others). Authors retain their ownership of their content published in these pages.
Chiropractic care and the Situs Inversus patient: Modifying technique to match anatomy. A case report.
Abstract: In situs inversus totalis the heart chambers, lung lobes, abdominal organs and colon are all found in a mirror image arrangement of normal. The purpose of this paper is to present a novel case report of a patient with situs inversus treated by chiropractic care involving chiropractic manipulative reflex techniques (CMRT) modified to the patient’s condition.Assessment: This patient was a 60 year old mother of 4 with sinus inversus who has been a chiropractic patient for over 20 years receiving spine-only chiropractic care. The patient began care in this office in and was seen for 16 office visits utilizing Blair Upper Cervical (BUC) x-ray spinography protocols, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) categorization, and CMRT procedures. Treatment/Intervention: Her response to Blair and SOT protocols was good and as expected however CMRT protocols needed to be modified in novel ways to compensate for her situs inversus presentation. Occipital fiber analysis found an active visceral reflex on 13 out of her 16 visits. On visits that necessitated treatment to the ileocecal or pancreas reflex arc the reflex patterns were opposite to normal. Results: The outcome to treatment involved reduction in pain and increased function in various areas of the spine, pelvis, and right shoulder as well as reduction of prior sleep disturbances and constipation. Discussion: While the response to BUC and SOT Category Two protocols were as anticipated, the CMRT evaluation and treatment was unusual based on the patient’s situs inversus presentation. The patient’s immediate response to treatment suggests that further investigations may be indicated. Conclusion: Future studies could compare a blinded evaluation of patients with situs inversus and normal organ anatomy to determine if side of CMRT reflex and referred pain patterns is consistent. Greater research is needed to investigate what subset of patients may respond to viscerosomatic/somatovisceral chiropractic reflex treatment.
Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, sinus inversus, chiropractic manipulative reflex techniques, sacro-occipital technique.
Cite: Zablotney J, Blum C. Chiropractic care and the Situs Inversus patient: Modifying technique to match anatomy [Abstract only]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2022;2.4:Online only. URL
About the practitioner: Jason Zablotney, DC, DACNB is a 2006 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, IA campus and is certified through the American Chiropractic Neurology Board as a diplomate in chiropractic neurology since 2013. He runs a private practice in his hometown of Windber in southwestern Pennsylvania.